What to Do if Your Loved One is Resistant to Home Health Care "I don't want anyone in my home"- How many of us have heard our older loved ones say something similar to this to justify why they refuse additional support – even when they know how much they could use it? Currently, it is easy to use COVID as an excuse not to bring outside people into the home. But what happens when we are all vaccinated, or the needs of our loved ones are greater than the family can handle alone? Read more
Preparing for Taking on Caregiving Responsibilities When preparing for big life events, many families like to come up with a plan. But when it comes to caregiving, many families are not as proactive, even though over 34 million Americans provide unpaid care to an adult age 50 or older. In fact, many families wait until a crisis happens to begin important discussions, which can leave them scrambling to figure out care options. When planning for our future caregiving responsibilities, or preparing our loved ones to take on our own care as we age, we should hold discussions about finances, as well as values and preferences to help develop a successful caregiving plan. Read more