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Two older adults sharing a meal together

After a Hospital Discharge, Food is a Valuable Medicine

When a loved one is discharged from a hospital stay, their doctor will likely give them medicine to help improve their condition so they can stay well enough to avoid having to return to the hospital in the future. As caregivers, we may have the responsibility of making sure a loved one is keeping up on their medication post-discharge. However, are we remembering to pay just as much attention to another source of medication necessary to their healing process: the food they eat?

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By Julie Hayes | 09/15/2022

Affordable and Accessible Housing Policy

Tune into an up-to-date virtual discussion on affordable and accessible housing for older adults in our communities, presented in partnership with the Elder Justice Coalition. This webinar provided an overview of challenges, strategies and recommendations to support older adults as they age in place. Linda Couch, Vice President of Housing Policy at LeadingAge, discusses federal housing policy as a public health strategy to allow older adults to stay in their homes. She is joined by professionals from Empowering and Strengthening Ohio’s People to examine housing issues and challenges for older adults, and how organizations can use local and federal funding to sustain staffing and provide services to reach at-risk homeowners.


By Linda Couch, Sonya Edwards, Elizabeth Sanchez | 09/01/2022

An older adult falling asleep after staying up late with a book

How to Handle Dementia-Related Sleep Disturbance

Though dementia is most commonly associated with memory loss, it can touch many different aspects of a loved one’s life. One of the most challenging for caregivers is when a loved one experiences sleep disturbance—such as excessive napping during the day; insomnia; nighttime terrors and anxiety; and difficulty staying asleep without constantly waking up.

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By Julie Hayes | 08/15/2022

A widow looking a photographs of her husband

From Caregiving to Widowhood: Balancing Grief and Wellness

One of the biggest challenges of being a caregiver is coping with the fear of losing a loved one. When that loss becomes a reality, the effects can be devastating. Those who provide care for their spouses can have a particularly difficult time coping with grief, as they are losing their life partner, someone of central importance to their heart and happiness.

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By Julie Hayes | 08/15/2022

A caregiver helping an older adult with an arm band exercise

Fighting Caregiver Burnout with Resiliency

Have you ever wondered why some people can seemingly cope with any life stressor while others seem to falter in the face of any adversity? Do you admire people who handle the ups and downs of the caregiving journey with apparent ease and grace and do not allow moments of failure to consume them? These individuals most likely have developed resiliency. The good news is that anyone can cultivate resiliency, too.

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By Lisa Weitzman | 08/15/2022