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The Digital Divide: What Families Should Know

The changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic to how we work, socialize, take care of our health and go about our daily lives have deepened the Digital Divide, the gap between those who can use and have access to technology and those who don’t. For older adults with increased healthcare and caregiving needs, as well as higher risks for social isolation, this divide can be especially daunting. In this webinar, we will look into what the Digital Divide is and what caregiving, healthcare, isolation prevention and homecare resources exist to help older adults and their caregivers navigate it together.


By Rachel Slomovitz, Connie Hill-Johnson, Jennifer Drost | 05/21/2021

A pride flag waving in the breeze

Aging Challenges for Older Adults in the LGBT+ Community

Individuals in the LGBT+ community have a long history of facing discrimination in the United States, and the effects of prejudice, hostility and mental, emotional and physical harm are felt by all generations of the community, from youths to older adults. Many LGBT+ older adults age into systems that may not fully accept and support them, and may directly or indirectly stand in the way of them getting the physical and mental health assistance they need. 

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By Tam Cooper | 05/17/2021

A home health care aide with an older adult

What to Do if Your Loved One is Resistant to Home Health Care

"I don't want anyone in my home"- How many of us have heard our older loved ones say something similar to this to justify why they refuse additional support – even when they know how much they could use it?  Currently, it is easy to use COVID as an excuse not to bring outside people into the home. But what happens when we are all vaccinated, or the needs of our loved ones are greater than the family can handle alone? 

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By Lauri Scharf | 05/17/2021

Can a Person with Dementia Live Alone? Recognizing the Need for Support

If you are a family member or caregiver of a person with dementia, it can be difficult to decide whether a person who is living alone is actually in need of help. This webinar will discuss questions that caregivers can ask to help assess the situation and help them gauge when and where support is needed.


By Cathy Franz | 05/07/2021

A caregiver and older adult enjoying a conversation

Tips for Better Communication with a Loved One with Dementia

As caregivers, we may find ourselves struggling to communicate with a loved one in the way we used to. It may be difficult to understand what a loved one is trying to say, and in the busyness of everyday life, we may find ourselves growing frustrated and impatient. However, these kinds of feelings may in turn affect a loved one, leading to a communication breakdown and potential relationship strain. To avoid this, it’s important to foster good listening skills, patience and respect.

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By Julie Hayes | 04/15/2021