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Investing in a pair of UV sunglasses is a simple way to prioritize your eye health throughout the year

3 Ways Older Adults Can Stay Healthy In The New Year

As we head more into the new year, this tends to be a time of reflection and improvement for most older adults. While it’s no mystery, improving your health seems to be the most popular area of concentration for everybody. When starting to write your next chapter, being healthy makes it easier for you to do so in the best way possible. Whether you have your goals locked in or you’re still searching for a plan of attack, here are three ways you can stay healthy throughout all of 2023.

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A Care Consultant checking in with a client to evaluate important caregiving needs and issues

Why Assessment is More Effective When It’s Conducted Over Time

Many people take the term “assessment” to be the first phase of a diagnostic or treatment program. But in the case of a comprehensive, long-term caregiver support program, assessment is actually much more effective when it’s treated as an ongoing process.  Through multiple clinical trials conducted with BRI Care Consultation, Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging’s evidence-based care-coaching program, we've learned that it takes time to identify and uncover all the areas of need within a caregiving environment, and that many needs are missed when using a one-and-done assessment model.

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By Michelle Palmer | 01/17/2023

An older couple sharing stories with their grandson

4 Benefits of Reminiscence and Storytelling in Improving Caregiving

As we age, it can sometimes feel as if our lives are defined more by our health and the conditions we may be living with than by our past experiences, values and memories. For those coping with memory loss, it may be even harder to feel a connection to the past and the things that matter most. As caregivers, managing a loved one’s current wellbeing may seem a higher priority than reflecting on the past, but giving a loved one an outlet to reminisce may be more important than we think. Research shows that storytelling has numerous benefits not only for older adults, but also for their caregivers through improved, personalized care and better communication.

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By Julie Hayes | 01/17/2023

A caregiver and his older loved one flipping through a photo album

Useful Items to Have in the Home When Caring for a Loved One with Dementia

“Dementia products” are intended to make life easier for a person with dementia and their loved ones. Some of these products can indeed be helpful. However, often they go unused or hold interest only briefly. Before you jump in and try or buy something, do a little advance thinking about what your loved one's needs are, and what useful items you may already have in your home.

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By Jennifer Burke | 12/15/2022

There is no right answer when it comes to picking a living option, so you should carefully consider what is most important to you. Image: Ryan Reinoso | Unsplash

Weighing the Costs of Living Options as an Older Adult

It’s natural for time to sneak up on you, especially when you reach your retirement years and beyond. As your wants and needs evolve with time, you may want to reevaluate your living arrangements. You may have been planning to move somewhere new for quite a while or, on the flip side, have just begun noticing how big your home feels after your children have moved out. Whatever the case may be, there are plenty of living options you can consider for your next chapter in life.

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