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Bass D.M., Easom, L., Primetica, B., & Holloway, C.J. (2015). Reflections on implementing the evidence-based BRI Care Consultation with RCI in Georgia. Generations, Journal of the American Society on Aging, 39(4), 49-56.

Bibbo, J., Rodriguez, K. E., & O'Haire, M. E. (2019). Impact of Service Dogs on Family Members' Psychosocial Functioning. The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association, 73(3), 7303205120p1–7303205120p11. doi:10.5014/ajot.2019.031690

Miller, L., Kaye, J., Lyons, K., Lee, C., Whitlatch, C., & Caserta, M. (n.d.). Well-being in dementia: A cross-sectional dyadic study of the impact of multiple dimensions of strain on persons living with dementia and their family care partners. International Psychogeriatrics, 1-10. doi:10.1017/S104161021800203X

Menne, H. L., Johnson, J. D., & Whitlatch, C. J. (2008). What is the relationship between background characteristics and the dyadic strain experienced by individuals with dementia? Alzheimer's Care Today, 9(3), 190-197. doi:10.1097/01.ALCAT.0000327713.01069.86

Reamy, A. M., Kim, K., Zarit, S. H., & Whitlatch, C. J. (2013). Values and preferences of individuals with dementia: Perceptions of family caregivers over time. The Gerontologist, 53(2), 293-302. doi:10.1093/geront/gns078