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It's common for caregivers to question what their role is

Self-Identifying as a Caregiver: How the Truth May Actually Set You Free!

Are you a caregiver to a loved one? It’s surprising how many of us are quick to answer “no” to that question. Sure, we help a loved one out a few times a week, take them to appointments and do their shopping. But for some reason, the majority of people acting in a caregiver role are hesitant to consider themselves “caregivers.” In fact, according to an AARP Caregiver Identification study, only about 19 percent of caregivers in the country are willing to identify themselves as such. 

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By Michelle Palmer | 04/15/2021

A grandfather going on a walk together with his son and grandson

3 Common Causes of Caregiver Guilt, and How to Manage Them

The concept of “caregiver guilt” is an odd one. Providing care for a loved one with a long-term health condition is a wonderful, selfless act, and caregivers undoubtedly devote considerable time and energy to provide the physical, mental and emotional support their loved one requires. And yet, the majority of caregivers report that they frequently experience feelings of guilt.

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By Michelle Palmer | 04/15/2021

An older adult unloading a grocery bag

Why Being Watchful for Signs of Malnutrition in Older Adults Matters

Malnutrition is most simply defined as a nutritional imbalance that can potentially affect any person, regardless of weight. Chronic health conditions combined with inadequate nutrition can often negatively impact older adults and prevent their bodies from absorbing the nutrients they need for healthy aging. Depression; social isolation; mental health challenges; embarrassment; lack of food; functional changes that limit the ability to shop for, prepare or even eat food; and financial struggles further increase the risk for malnutrition.

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By Lisa Weitzman | 04/15/2021

Communicating with Your Loved One: Strategies for Care Partners Impacted by Dementia

As an individual goes through their journey with dementia, there are changes that can impact their comprehension and expression. These changes in communication can often cause frustration among care partners. This webinar will share information about the changes some individuals with dementia may experience in communication, and will offer strategies and tips for families to communicate more effectively with a loved one with dementia.


By Jennifer Brush | 04/13/2021

Aging in Place

What’s the best way to successfully age in place? This webinar will review ESOP’s newest homeownership workshop: “Aging in Place: Know Your Housing Options.” We’ll discuss how you can assess your loved one’s home for safety, accessibility and affordability; how your loved one can use their home equity to keep their home; ways to explore the many housing options available to your loved one; additional benefits; and legal and tax issues. We’ll also share an overview of Ohio’s first nonprofit real estate agency, and the many services offered to help both first time homebuyers purchase their first home and older adults transition out of their last homes.


By Sonya Edwards | 04/08/2021