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Cataracts affect more than 24.4 million Americans age 40 and older

Guiding a Loved One Through Cataract Surgery

If a loved one has trouble seeing and has been diagnosed with a cataract, we may be concerned about what the next steps are and how to prepare. The surgery typically recommended to treat this condition is common and low risk, but it may still be helpful for us to come prepared with knowledge on how best to help our loved ones through the procedure and recovery.

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An older woman struggling with back pain as she gets up from bed ┃ Image by gpointstudio

A Healthy Back for a Healthy Body: Tips for Managing Back Pain

As we age, we may find ourselves suffering from stiff, painful backs that may prevent us from taking part in the active lifestyle we may have enjoyed when we were younger or healthier. If so, we are not alone. Back pain is one of the most common reasons older people visit their doctors for a back exam, diagnosis, pain relief and treatment.

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An older adult walking together with their caregiver

Walking Tips to Support a Loved One

There are many health benefits for older adults who walk on a regular basis. If a loved one has mobility issues, they can still benefit from walking, even if it's just a little bit. Here are some tips to help a loved one remain mobile.

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A grandmother reading with her granddaughter | Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

4 Creative Ways to Engage a Loved One in Reminiscence

Everyone has a story to tell, and the older adults in our lives can be a rich source of memories, fascinating experiences, history and lessons learned over the course of a one-of-a-kind lifetime. Research shows that engaging in reminiscence and storytelling with a loved one can improve their mental, psychological and emotional health, while also helping caregivers personalize their caregiving and improve their connection and communication with their loved one.

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By Julie Hayes | 06/11/2019

An older adult playing the guitar at a group music session

Music Therapy for Dementia Care

Staying engaged in meaningful and interesting activities can be challenging after receiving a dementia diagnosis, but as caregivers, it is important for us to help our loved one continue to participate in activities they enjoy. If our loved one likes listening to or playing music, music therapy may be a helpful option. Music therapy can help individuals with dementia with their cognitive and/or physical functioning, while helping them stay connected with others.

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By Sarah Nicolay | 06/11/2019