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Understanding the Dangers of Medical Identity Theft

Identity theft is a worldwide phenomenon with very personal results to those who’ve been victimized by con artists and thieves. With our support, our loved ones need to be ever vigilant in guarding their personal, financial and medical identities. 

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An older adult reviewing their estate planning documents

Understanding Estate Planning and Advance Directives

As we age, we may grow concerned about the possibility of no longer being able to make decisions for ourselves, and how we will provide for our family financially after we pass away. If we are caring for an aging loved one, encouraging them to begin preparing for the future through estate planning can provide us all with the peace of mind of knowing that their health care and financial wishes will be respected, and their loved ones will be taken care of.

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By Tiffany Taylor and Julie Hayes | 06/06/2019

Scharf, L. (2022, April 27). Tips for Successful Family Meetings [Guidposts].

Franz, C. (2022, April 27). Steps to Guard Against Dementia-Related Wandering [Guidposts].

Cordell, A. (2022, March 14). Mealtime Changes That Can Benefit a Loved One with Dementia. Guideposts.