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An older man undergoing physical therapy following a stroke

Navigating Strokes, from Recognition to Recovery

The brain, despite weighing a mere three pounds, serves as the body's mastermind, orchestrating complex functions from speech to movement. But as hardworking as it is, the brain is vulnerable to internal injuries known as strokes or "brain attacks," placing both it and its owner at risk. Strokes, the third leading cause of death in the US, can occur at any age but are more prevalent among older individuals.

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An older adult examining their medication

Why Health Literacy Matters for Older Adults

Health literacy—the ability to access, understand and use health information—is a key part of living a healthy and fulfilling life, especially for older adults. After all, the more we understand about health, the more likely we are to recognize risk signs, take preventative measures against common diseases, make informed decisions about our own health and communicate more effectively with healthcare professionals.

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By Julie Hayes | 10/16/2023

An older adult massaging their knee

Pain Management for Older Adults with Dementia

Just like most other older adults, people with Alzheimer’s and related types of dementia suffer from headaches, stomachaches, toothaches, muscle cramps and other painful conditions that are an uncomfortable part of the aging process. However, an older person with memory loss who suffers from chronic pain may not be able to tell their caregiver how they feel or ask for help to relieve their discomfort. Instead, they may communicate their distress through other means, such as becoming agitated or crying, which their caregiver may not understand how to interpret or address.

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By Julie Hayes | 08/15/2023

An older adult and caregiver praying together

Enhancing Spiritual Care for Loved Ones: Tips for Caregivers

When caring for a loved one, maintaining their physical health is typically the top priority, so it can often be easy to forget that spiritual health can also contribute to their satisfaction and wellbeing. As we age, we are often faced with spiritual concerns regarding our mortality and the value of the life we have led. Some of our loved ones may be kept away from religious services due to illness or issues with mobility, keeping them from participating in important rituals to their faith.

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By Julie Hayes | 07/14/2023

An older couple doing Tai Chi together

Keeping Bones Fit and Healthy as You Age

Most people have been told at least once in their life to drink milk so they will have strong bones when they grow up. As all of us continue that process of growing up into older adulthood, maintaining strong and healthy bones can be of even greater importance in order to prevent serious fractures, brittleness and significant loss of bone mass.

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