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Mental Health 101: Helping Your Loved One Face Changes in Mental Health

Depression, anxiety and other behavioral health symptoms can make life difficult for anybody, but especially for older adults whose behavioral changes are often dismissed as normal aging. Despite what many say, getting the “blues” is not a not a normal part of aging. This webinar will provide an overview of two common mental health concerns: depression and anxiety. In addition to learning what to look for, and when someone may need extra support, we will look at what we can do to support your older loved ones who may be experiencing a mental health concern and what resources are available.


By Kerstin Yoder | 11/04/2021

A caregiver comforting an older adult

Sundowning and Dementia: What to do About Late-Day Behaviors

For those with dementia and their caregivers, the late day hours can often be a disorienting, stressful time. When the sun goes down, individuals with dementia may become agitated, restless, confused, irritable and at times even delirious—seeing and hearing things that are not there—to a greater extent than they do early in the day. This symptom of dementia is known as “sundowning” or “Sundowners Syndrome.” For individuals with dementia and their caregivers, it can be a scary, upsetting nightly occurrence.

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By Julie Hayes | 10/15/2021

A caregiver preparing a holiday meal together with an older loved one

Planning Ahead for the Approaching Holiday Season as a Caregiver

Holidays often have a special meaning for older adults and their family members. They are occasions set aside to acknowledge the passage of time, celebrate significant events in our lives and bring families and friends to come together. By making the most of these special moments, we can truly value our time together with the ones we love.

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15th Annual Katz Policy Lecture: National Family Caregiving Strategies and Policy Recommendations from the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council

This year, the 15th annual Katz Policy Lecture, sponsored by AARP Ohio, will examine the RAISE Family Caregivers Act, which directs the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to develop and maintain a national strategy to recognize and support family caregivers. The Act identifies actions that communities, providers, the government and others are taking to help family and friend caregivers, and aims to improve information sharing, collaboration, government support and assessment of caregiver programming across these efforts. Our keynote speaker, Alan B. Stevens, PhD, will discuss family caregiving strategies and policy recommendations from the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council, and the impact these will have on our communities. Following our keynote speaker, a reactor panel of industry experts will give their responses to the presentation, and discuss how the Act impacts different types of individuals and communities, as well as state level policy.


By Alan B. Stevens, PhD | 10/05/2021

Evidence-Based Programs: How They Help Caregivers of People Living with Dementia

Dr. David Bass, Senior Vice President, Senior Research Scientist and Director of the Center for Research and Education at Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging, discusses evidence-based programs, how they can help individuals with dementia and their family and friend caregivers, and how to access them in your area. This video was developed as a part of the Expansion of Dementia-Capable Communities within Urban and Rural Settings in Ohio using Evidence-Based and Informed Programming project, funded by the Administration for Community Living, Alzheimer’s Disease Program’s Initiative.


By Dr. David Bass | 09/16/2021