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A caregiver looking at a laptop

Where Can I Turn for Help?

When we begin caring for a loved one with a chronic health condition, it can be difficult to ask for help. We may not know whom to ask for support, or worry about being perceived as unable to manage all of our responsibilities. Locating available resources and information can be challenging and overwhelming, but understanding where to turn for quality services and information to support us throughout our caregiving journey is important. We can start by surfing the internet, but these searches often give us too much information, and it can be hard to determine what is accurate and trustworthy.

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By Jennifer Cardellini | 06/11/2019

One of the main tenets of hospice care is focusing on caring for the person, rather than curing their illness.

A Caregiver’s Journey Through Hospice Care

There are many misconceptions about hospice care in the United States. When my mom’s cancer became a terminal diagnosis, I was grateful that I had a working knowledge of hospice services so my family and I could focus on her quality of life and pain management as she entered into her life’s final journey. Here are some useful pieces of information that may help us and our loved one make an informed decision about whether hospice may be an appropriate option for our loved one’s end-of-life care.

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By Sara Powers, PhD | 06/11/2019

Even though a trip to the emergency may seem daunting, the situation can become more manageable with a little knowledge and preparation.

A Trip to the Emergency Room

A visit to the emergency room can be an upsetting experience for many, and is often especially frightening for a loved one with memory loss. Medical emergencies occur frequently in loved ones with multiple chronic diseases, and are especially likely to occur to those with memory disorders like Alzheimer’s Disease. Fortunately, many illnesses and injuries can be diagnosed and treated in the emergency room and don’t require a hospital stay.

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Cataracts affect more than 24.4 million Americans age 40 and older

Guiding a Loved One Through Cataract Surgery

If a loved one has trouble seeing and has been diagnosed with a cataract, we may be concerned about what the next steps are and how to prepare. The surgery typically recommended to treat this condition is common and low risk, but it may still be helpful for us to come prepared with knowledge on how best to help our loved ones through the procedure and recovery.

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An older woman struggling with back pain as she gets up from bed ┃ Image by gpointstudio

A Healthy Back for a Healthy Body: Tips for Managing Back Pain

As we age, we may find ourselves suffering from stiff, painful backs that may prevent us from taking part in the active lifestyle we may have enjoyed when we were younger or healthier. If so, we are not alone. Back pain is one of the most common reasons older people visit their doctors for a back exam, diagnosis, pain relief and treatment.

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