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An older adult massaging their knee

Pain Management for Older Adults with Dementia

Just like most other older adults, people with Alzheimer’s and related types of dementia suffer from headaches, stomachaches, toothaches, muscle cramps and other painful conditions that are an uncomfortable part of the aging process. However, an older person with memory loss who suffers from chronic pain may not be able to tell their caregiver how they feel or ask for help to relieve their discomfort. Instead, they may communicate their distress through other means, such as becoming agitated or crying, which their caregiver may not understand how to interpret or address.

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By Julie Hayes | 08/15/2023

An older couple doing a puzzle together

Engaging Activities for People with Dementia: Boosting Wellbeing and Connection

Dementia remains a highly stigmatized disease, often leading to misunderstandings about the capabilities and needs of older adults affected by it. Caregivers may unintentionally overlook the importance of meaningful hobbies, activities, and pastimes for individuals with dementia due to their perceived disconnection from the world around them. However, it is crucial to recognize that, despite the changes brought by dementia, older adults still require engagement regardless of the stage of the disease.

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By Julie Hayes | 07/14/2023

An older adult listening to music together with a caregiver

Creative Therapies for Loved Ones with Dementia

While dementia does not yet have a cure, there are ways to treat and soothe a person with dementia’s symptoms and make their potential anxiety, stress, moods and challenging behavior easier to manage. If you’re a caregiver for a loved one with dementia, the creative arts are a great option to consider when it comes to supportive therapies. The arts can help engage your loved one’s attention in something stimulating often soothing, while giving them a way to express their emotions and thoughts in a way they may struggle to do verbally. The arts can also be beneficial for loved ones with both intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and dementia, who may be experiencing increasing challenges in expressing themselves and confidently building and practicing skills using other means.

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By Julie Hayes | 06/15/2023

Each person experiences dementia in different ways, so your loved one with IDD may experience one symptom and not others.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Dementia with IDD

Diagnosing dementia is rarely straightforward, but can be even more challenging for those in the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) community. Many of the most common symptoms of dementia such as language challenges and difficulty with coordination are often things people with IDD already struggle with. This can make it all the more difficult to separate symptoms of dementia from their pre-existing symptoms.

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By Julie Hayes | 05/15/2023

Preventing Brain Disease: Risk Factors and Early Signs and Symptoms of Dementia

This session highlights preventable risk factors associated with brain disease and stress the differences in signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in the Down Syndrome population compared to the general aging population.


By Donna Barrett, Jennifer Hudak | 04/25/2023