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A caregiver embracing her older loved one

Busting 4 of the Common Myths About Dementia

Though around 6 million individuals in the United States have a diagnosis of dementia, there are still many things that are not fully understood about the causes of the disease and how it can be better treated or even prevented entirely. There are also things about dementia that are commonly misunderstood. Stereotypes and broad generalizations about the disease can easily spread and become “fact” in the minds of the general public, ignoring the fact that dementia represents many different diagnoses and experiences, and cannot always be summed up in simple terms.

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By Julie Hayes | 11/15/2022

End-of-Life Decisions for Individuals with IDD and Dementia

This webinar, led by the Hospice of the Western Reserve, assists caregivers in identifying the value of and barriers to recognizing end-of-life in older adults and individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) and dementia. It also emphasizes the importance of Advanced Care Planning for caregivers, and provides tips for healthcare professionals to aid in end-of-life discussions.


By Sally Tomko | 10/27/2022

An older couple sharing a meal together

4 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Mealtime with Dementia

Over time, people develop unique relationships with food – determining what they like and do not like. It is commonplace to have a favorite meal, type of food, place to eat, etc. Individuals living with dementia, however, commonly experience changes from their normal food habits. Depending on the person and what stage of dementia they are in, a loved one may show changes in things like appetite, eating habits, food preferences or swallowing ability.

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By Ashlee Cordell | 10/14/2022

An older adult helping his loved one check her blood pressure

8 Things to Know About High Blood Pressure and Dementia

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 116 million, or just about half of all Americans, live with high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Untreated hypertension is very dangerous, as it puts people at risk for heart disease, stroke, and chronic health issues.

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By Jennifer Burke | 10/14/2022

An older adult falling asleep after staying up late with a book

How to Handle Dementia-Related Sleep Disturbance

Though dementia is most commonly associated with memory loss, it can touch many different aspects of a loved one’s life. One of the most challenging for caregivers is when a loved one experiences sleep disturbance—such as excessive napping during the day; insomnia; nighttime terrors and anxiety; and difficulty staying asleep without constantly waking up.

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By Julie Hayes | 08/15/2022