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A caregiver and older loved one viewing different plans on a laptop

What to Consider When Helping an Older Loved One Choose a Medicare Plan

With Medicare’s Annual Open Enrollment ongoing from October 15 to December 7, you may have already begun discussions with your loved one on the basics of Medicare, such as differences from Medicaid and what the different plans and options are. But before such an important decision is made, it’s important to go more in depth by preparing the right questions with your loved one to guide the conversation and exploring the different points of consideration that will help determine which plan is best for your loved one’s individual needs.

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By Cynthia Walker | 11/16/2020

An older adult getting some shut eye

Coping with an Older Loved One’s Sleep Issues

While chronic health conditions and medication interactions may also affect the sleep patterns of older adults, living under the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic has further added to these challenges. Activities and finances have been disrupted, isolation has made people feel depressed, many are less physically and mentally active, fears around health and contact with others dominate public thinking and uncertainty has filled every aspect of daily living.

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By Lisa Weitzman | 11/16/2020

An older couple reviewing their options on a tablet

What to Know for Medicare Open Enrollment

Every year, Medicare’s Open Enrollment period runs from October 15 to December 7. As a caregiver, you undoubtedly know how important insurance coverage is to securing your loved one the affordable care they need when they need it. What can be less certain, however, is knowing which exact program and options your loved one is qualified for and would most benefit from. As much as you want to help them through the process of enrolling in Medicare, you may be struggling to understand it yourself. The good news is that by learning the various benefits covered by different plans, you can put yourself in a better position to care for your loved one’s health needs and find the right plan for them.

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By Cynthia Walker | 10/16/2020

Even if you have voted many times in the past, the process in 2020 may look very different due to the COVID-19 pandemic

The Importance of Having a Voting Plan for the 2020 Election

The election of 2020 is quickly approaching. For some, the end of the campaign season comes as a relief, as it means the end of political ads and often divisive conversations. For others, the idea of voting during a pandemic feels scary, and conflicting information around the integrity of voting options is confusing and overwhelming. And yet, voting is a constitutional right. What can you do now to ensure that your voice is counted? The answer is simple: create a voting plan.

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By Lisa Weitzman | 10/15/2020

What Does Dementia Look Like?

"My dad had lots of good days, days filled with laughter and conversations about his favorite memories of my childhood and his, days where he remembered many of the “little things” in my life that made me feel like he wasn’t aging at all. There were other days, though, when Dad was not as sharp. In fact, there were days when Dad really wasn’t Dad."

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By Lisa Weitzman | 10/15/2020