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A 1040 tax form

Tax Tips for Older Adults for the 2019 Tax Season: Understanding Qualified Medical Expenses

While most people agree that it’s hard to look forward to the paperwork and headache of tax season, for older adults managing medical bills, taking advantage of tax deductibles can be financially beneficial. According to a National Bureau of Economic Research study, Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance and other government programs on average will cover about 80 percent of an older adult’s healthcare costs; however, this leaves 20 percent of costs financed out-of-pocket, and for older adults who are from low income households, retired or on a budget, this can take a huge bite out of their savings.

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By Julie Hayes | 03/19/2020

An older adult frustrated by robocalls

What We Can Do about Robocalls

The term robocall has been around since the 1990s, but in the last few years, they’ve become an ever-present part of our lives. According to the YouMail Robocall Index, in 2018, 47.8 billion robocalls were placed in the US, and just in the first half of 2019, 34 billion calls were made. You’re not imagining that it’s gotten worse – it has.

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By Jessica Bibbo | 02/17/2020

An older adult listening to music on his headphones

Creating Your Own Self-Care Kit

It is no secret that self-care can have many benefits to our mental, physical and emotional health. According to research, practicing self-care can decrease stress, improve well-being, lower mortality, increase relaxation responses and decrease healthcare costs. While it can often be challenging to find the time to practice self-care, it is important for us to plan for and look for ways to integrate it when possible.

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By Ashlee Williman | 02/17/2020

The oven and stove can prove to be the greatest threat to a loved one with dementia.

Keeping the Kitchen Safe for a Loved One with Late Stage Dementia

The kitchen is the heart of most families' homes. If we have a loved one living with dementia at home, especially in the later stages, we will want to do everything we can to help keep their kitchen as safe as it can be.

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An older couple meeting with a health care professional

Using Team Meetings to Develop a Dementia Care Strategy for a Loved One

An individual with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease often requires a village of caregivers to help take care of their needs during different stages of the disease. Whether they be family caregivers or providers, caregivers must always be vigilant to make sure their loved one is well cared for and protected.

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