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Senior center attendees participating in an exercise program

Tips for Connecting with a Senior Center

Senior Centers are a vital community resource for older adults, providing a wide variety of programs, services and supports, and enabling older adults to remain active and engaged, while combating social isolation and loneliness. The National Council on Aging (NCOA) reports that “Today, almost 10,000 senior centers serve more than 1 million older adults every day.” It can be intimidating or challenging to initially connect with a senior center. Here are some practical tips to get started.

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By Ashlee Williman | 11/13/2019

An older adult pulling a 5 dollar bill from a change purse. Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Can You Actually Buy Happiness? Reflections on Emotional Spending

Have you ever felt down and out – and then headed to the mall? Have you ever felt overwhelmed, angry, or isolated – and then cheered up with a purchase on eBay? Do you use shopping as a way to celebrate an accomplishment or recover from a disappointment? Have you ever subscribed to the idea that shopping is a stress-relieving therapy and even cheaper than a visit with a psychiatrist? If so, did shopping in those moments actually make you feel better in the long run?

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By Lisa Weitzman | 11/13/2019

A couple smiling on the front porch of their home

Aging in Place: When is the Right Time to Right Size?

Deciding whether to continue to live in the home we have lived in for decades is a difficult decision. Not only are there financial considerations to think about, but we also need to factor in health and safety issues, such as whether our home can be easily navigated as we age. If we are caring for an older loved one, we may wonder if the home they’re in right now is still right for them based on the changing needs of their health and care. As the holidays approach and family comes together, it may be the right time to have the “Right Sizing” conversation with a loved one that could open the doors to knowing if it is the right time for them to move.

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By Sonya Edwards | 11/13/2019

An older adult taking keys from a purse

Advice for Overcoming Everyday Challenges

Small, everyday challenges can impact us all as we age. The resources and programming offered at senior centers such as the Rose Centers for Aging Well can assist with overcoming these challenges by providing us with opportunities to receive guidance from both professionals and our own peers. Programs like the Aging Mastery Program can help us make small and impactful changes to overcome challenges we may face and improve our overall wellness.

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By Ashlee Williman | 10/11/2019

An older couple enjoying a conversation outside of a retirement community

Home Buying in a Retirement Community: Downsizing the Family Home

When it comes to senior living options, there are a number of housing options available for today's older adult population. While some older adults will require the care and attention of nursing homes or assisted living communities, there are others who don't require as much, or any, care, but who instead want to be in a community of their peers. These retirement communities can provide us with a great opportunity to meet and participate in activities with others that we need to live the healthy and balanced lives we deserve well into our golden years.

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By Antoinette Smith | 10/11/2019